Nurse body camera evidence management
Nurse body camera evidence management
Berrywood hospital

Berrywood Psychiatric Hospital, Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Berrywood Hospital is a purpose-built facility that helps individuals re-build their lives in a safe and caring environment. The hospital has been using Calla body cameras to help protect patients and staff for over a year.

In 2017 the trust published a paper that outlines positve feedback from using body cameras in an inpatient setting:

Feedback from nurses participating in a study at Berrywood Psychiatric Hospital included:

“I think it prevents lots of aggression and puts patients’ minds at ease knowing there is a record of what happened.”

“I have seen a few occasions where the incident had deescalated and believe this to have been helped by the camera being turned on.”

“I am fully in support of the technology being used permanently in the future."

Berrywood hospital 2

"I can see nothing but positives from it with recourse to its potential in reducing/ deescalating violent incidents.”

“Initially sceptical, however can see that body worn cameras have had a positive impact on both patients and staff.”

Feedback from patients included:

‘It may make staff more confident to approach and help distressed patients, it makes them feel safer at work so happier and more able to help patients. It will certainly act as a deterrent or tool to de-escalate.’

‘Makes things safer for clients and staff.’